Helping you become Greener
Wikaniko is a British company, Its purpose is to is to provide everyone with there own means to become greener. There is so much talk about ‘green’ issues these days that it is difficult to know who to believe, isn’t it? At Wikaniko, all we concentrate on is the fact that if we all cover our land with plastic bags, hazardous chemicals and other forms of pollution, damage is absolutely inevitable.

Would you agree with that?

Also, if we put harmful stuff on or in our bodies, we could cause serious problems to ourselves. Does that make sense too?
The solution to these problems is blindingly simple. We believe that people do care about what happens to the world they live in, but perhaps some people just don’t know how to make the changes, or where to get products from to enable them to do something about the environmental problems that plague our everyday

There’s no getting away from it though. You and I are the people contributing to the landfill problem, yet we want it to be on someone else’s doorstep, don’t we?
One of the simplest, quickest and easiest ways to instantly help reduce the problem and for us to ‘do our bit’ is to use plastic bags that degrade in a short time frame, instead of being around hundreds of years.
Therein lies another problem!
Most degradable bags are far more expensive
than ordinary plastic bags, and some can’t degrade properly as they need air or sun to start the process.
so we chose the ultimate solution — d2w ® bags. Reasonably priced, and will COMPLETELY disappear in a short timescale, no matter where they end up! Join Wikaniko's war on waste today and make a difference. It costs nothing to join but it may cost us the earth if you don't. For thoes of you who may want to build there own business there is an Opportunity just for you. To find out more and have a look at our products click here.

 Make Your Own Solar Panels And Save $$$$$

Answer this question - Do you want to save thousands off the cost of solar panels?
Of course you do!

You can now make solar panels at home! You have probably read about it or seen it on TV, but have you tried it yourself?

"I just made my own solar panel. It was so simple and looks just like a bought panel"

From the DIY workshop of Michael Harvey
Renewable energy enthusiasts
and co-founder of Earth4Energy.com

Hi, my name is Michael and I want to show you how to go green and save thousands at the same time.

f you are interested in learning exactly how to generate power and reduce your bill then this is the perfect resource for you! With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money out the window and start generating our own electricity.

Over the last few years I have figured out how to significantly reduce the cost of solar panels making it more affordable for the average home owner just like you.

Now you can build a single panel or a complete array of panels to power your home for a fraction of retail cost.

click here to fined out more

"Why Does Going Green
Have To Be So Expensive
And Difficult for the
Average Family?”

It Doesn’t! We can show you how to Go Green and live a more Sustainable Life and Actually Save Money at the same time. Finally… A Support System for Those Who Want To Go Green on a Budget.

Is It Really Possible? - Build Solar & Wind Power for Under $200
- Cut Your Energy Bills by 1/3 with 5 Simple Steps
- Reduce Your Carbon Foot 20% by Next Weekend Like anything in life there are expensive quick fixes to almost any problem. Let’s face it, you could easily spend $20,000 on a new Solar or Wind power system or spend $5,000 on new more efficient appliances. This would quickly cut your energy usage and your carbon foot print but most people don’t have that kind of money to throw down.

But there is also a way to achieve the same end result by Going Green on a Budget. Thousands of people have found ways to cut their energy usage, build renewable energy power and have a lesser impact on the earth’s eco system – and have done it without spending much money.


Green eco club is your one place to get all the Ongoing Support and Ideas for Going Green and creating Renewable Energy on a budget. Enjoy an ongoing source of Green Living Ideas and DIY Strategies that help Save the Environment while also Saving you Money.

Join efforts with a like minded group of people who want to help the environment while saving their families money.  To fined out more and join click here

Beat The Cost Of Increasing Fuel Prices With This Step By Step Guide On How To Make Your Own Bio Diesel  From Your Own Back Yard. Click Here For More Information